WWF Barcelona Oct 30 2009
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Hello everyone,
Please read this mail and send back a reply asap if you are interested and have some time during the next 4 days – or if you are not interested or interested but not able.
Last Thursday 4pm we finally got lucky.
We have been invited to join WWF international in their work in relation to the ongoing negotiations leading up to COP15 in Copenhagen December 8th to 18th.
COP 15 is going to substitute the Kyoto protocol which expires in 2012. The Barcelona is the final “working conference”. You can read more on www.cop15.com and www.panda.org/climate.
As we speak, Stine and I, are on the team of “WWF observers” as “visualisers” basically running around the conference center in Barcelona.
· We have been here since Friday supporting WWF in their preparation for the 5 days (mon-fri).
· We participate in WWF morning and evening meetings where 50+ WWF’ers discuss how to influence the negotiations.
· We will each day walk around in this huge space and visualize the process of the negotiations, facilitate dialogues on the floor…etc
· We are supporting WWF putting together powerful visuals which can explain what the talks are about (see from their view)– so that “even your grandmother will get it”.
· We are meeting and talking with many of the players here, spreading the word about how visual facilitation, graphic recording and other visual support can inspire the negotiations.
· We are having conversations with the organizers of COP15 of Copenhagen about how we of how we may involve a larger crew in Copenhagen.
A possibility to contribute
As many of you know, I have over the last 2 years on various occasions voiced the question: “If we (the visual community) is what the world has been waiting for, what might be our unique contribution?”.
I have invited everyone to join the effort, but have been silent…until now. Reason – we have tried and tried to find a platform. This now is happening. And I am hoping you’d be interested in jumping in.
The first task
Today WWF will communicate what they see as 10 steps towards Copenhagen. It is a A3 document with 10 statements (see the attached PDF
Next task
We are forming a wish list – which we will communicate – and invite you to try visualize.
More tasks may come – and you are welcome to brainstorm.
The setup in Barcelona:
Important: This is a pilot! This means we are testing and trying out as much as possible to inform what we can do more of at COP15. We do not have the answers to many questions
WWF has invested in bringing Stine and I here. They are paying for stay, flight and a reduced fee.
Rather than just being the two of us, we have suggested that we start engaging those of you out there who’d like to join and explore.
This is why you are getting this letter.
Your contribution
To those of you who have time, motivation and interest in joining this pilot, we today will start sending mails and blogrequest about what needs to be visualized (we have asked all WWF participants to describe what they need to have a visual for).
You send us examples (fast sketches in JPG, TIFF, PDF) of visuals which explain the text (a word, situation, concept).
The illustrations are either directly put on WWF website and our blog.
- Make sure that your name is visible on the drawings you send (that is the most visible reference you will get – but do not make it be too big a part of the picture J See the examples we have on our blog).
- We and WWF will do our best to get it a reference list up on the WWF website. The wish is for your name and website is listed and it says that you have contributed to Barcelona.
- The visuals you send you will not keep the copyright for. It will be open source and available for anyone to use.
- If parts and bits of the visuals which come in can be used to create a new visual, we, WWF, you and others can do this.
- Together with WWF communication we go through material and decide what can be used (this means that WWF has a say if there are visuals which are either controversial, or not reflecting the main meaning the intended in the message).
We (Bigger Picture) will publish as much as possible on the Bigger Picture Blog
You are welcome to publish any of this to your own blogs and websites – and spread the word.
You are welcome to post on your own media the following:
“I / We are supporting WWF with creating powerful visual language which can inspire and vitalize the climate change negotiations in Barcelona and potentially COP15”.
It could turn out to be nothing but your time will have been used to inspire some or maybe many with one or more visuals.
It turns out that the network of NGO pull together funds and a budget allowing a group of (5-10-15) visual practitioners to come to COP15 for 15 days. You may be involved virtually to contribute and/ or to come to Copenhagen and contribute to the various ways in which we find out can create value inside and outside the negotiations.
Please answer if you might be able to come to Copenhagen from Dec 6th to 18th?
I hope this is inspiring and transparent. I will try to answer any questions you may have.
Looking forward to hear from you.
Best regards,
Stine and Ole
Bigger Picture Aps
Email: ole@biggerpicture.dk
Mobile: +45 28113664
Skype: oleqvist-sorensen
Twitter: OleQvist
Facebook: Ole Qvist-Sorensen
YouTube: BiggerPictureVideo
Slideshare: BiggerPicture
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